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  • Writer's pictureKushala

Darshan in Virar

This morning I traveled to the nearby city of Virar. Virar is where folks in Ganeshpuri go when they need more than what is offered locally - groceries, clothes, and other goods. It was about an hour's drive. First stop was the Maa Jivdani temple.

It's at the top of that mountain.

I thought we had to walk up those steps. There are 1465 of them. I'm trying to make peace with that idea in the picture above - lol! I was greatly relieved to learn there was a train, called a ropeway, that took us up.

This is the only Maa Jivdani temple that exists, so it is very special.

In addition to the statue of the Goddess, there are stunning views.

And a small bird sanctuary.

You can read more about the Jivdani temple on their website -

Then we made a stop at a small Ganesha temple. This Ganesha was so beautiful! I asked if I could take a picture of Ganesh, and was invited to take a picture with Ganesh. What a treat!

That peacock feather on Ganesha's trunk is stunning. Ganesh is the remover of obstacles and one of my favorite Hindu Gods.

This is Ganesha's vahana (animal or mythical entity that a God uses as a vehicle), Mushaka the mouse. Read the story of Ganesh and Mushaka here -

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Anna Ranish
Anna Ranish
Mar 15

Interesting story about Ganesh and Mushaka

Mar 15
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Right?! I found different accounts of Ganesha's vahana. I liked this one best.

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