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  • Writer's pictureKushala

Divine Timing

This time next week, I will have arrived in Ganeshpuri. I plan to go for morning Abishek and Arti at Nityananda's temple, which begins at 4:30am. Those are sacred ceremonies that last a couple of hours... very blissful. That means a lot of ujjayi pranayama for me on the plane! It is possible that I will arrive between 2-3am and decide to go to sleep instead. I'm not ruling out any possibilities.

This feels like such an auspicious journey. I got a jyotish reading last fall, which is part of Vedic astrology, a sister science to yoga. I asked about traveling to India in 2023. My Vedic astrologer told me that February 16 - March 5th was a great time for travel and spiritual pilgrimages. Sun is aspecting Ketu in my chart, for whatever that's worth.

I arrive in Ganeshpuri in the wee hours of February 16, and leave Varanasi on March 5th. That feels very complete to me. I'm excited to see where this journey leads - outside and inside. 🙏

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