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  • Writer's pictureKushala

Ganeshpuri Food on the Street

I can't speak much to the street food here. I've been warned to not eat it, and I'm heeding that warning. In case I needed any additional encouragement, my friend Stuart served as my cautionary tale. He traveled to Ganeshpuri in January, and did eat the street food. He had to make two trips to the doctor and get two shots in his butt!

There is a lot of grocery type food sold on the streets of Ganeshpuri.

That is a mountain of dates. There were about a dozen tables just like this lining the streets on Mahashivratri. Mahashivratri is a fasting holiday, but you can still eat fruit when you are fasting. Dates are a great source of energy. Note the pre-packaged dates wrapped in newspaper. I haven't seen the tables of dates since Mahashivratri.

These are four different vegetable vendors. They are set up every day with their veggies. If you zoom in, you'll see the "white carrot" radishes, the light green little eggplants, and the drumsticks. They are dark green, long, and bundles on the left side of the green tarp. The drumsticks are close to asparagus. The leafy greens that look like parsley are Methi, aka fenugreek. Read more about these veggies in the Food at Yogini's house post.

More fresh fruits and veggies. These ladies are set up in front of the local Walgreens, aka Shaligram Medical and General store. Swami Shaligram was a great devotee of Nityananda and his Ashram is nestled behind Nityananda's house, called Kailas Nivas.

This is another farm stand, with a more permanent structure. This stand offers a lot more variety. There are 4-5 of these stands lining the main street.

It looks to me like they all sell the same thing. I'm sure everyone has their favorite vendor!

Here are a couple of snaps of the street food I don't eat.

The 21st century even reaches the villages in developing countries. The street food stands accept Google pay! 🤣

Those are sugar canes, and this guy runs them through his machine to make sugar cane juice.

Just past the bus station, there's a fish market that is open in the early evening.

Chicken delivery for the Chinese restaurant at the bus stop. If I weren't already a vegetarian, I'd be one now!

Ganeshpuri's version of the ice cream man. He sells water ice and this is his station down by the temple.

He also takes his show on the road. He has a bell that he rings to let the children know he's coming. This is across the street from Yogini's house, halfway up Temple Rd. Have I mentioned that Temple Rd is a big hill? That's no mean feat!

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