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  • Writer's pictureKushala

Ganeshpuri Selfies

During my last visit to India in 2019, I was surprised at how many Indians wanted to take a selfie with me. It's a thing. I stick out due to my height, my blonde hair, and my outgoing nature. I started asking the people that asked me for a selfie to take one with my phone, too.

The same has been true on this trip. I'll continue to add to this post as I get more selfies. 🙏🥰🙏

This is my friend Sagar. His family has one of the flower stalls across from Nityananda's temple. They sell flowet garlands and other thongs devotees can offer to Nityananda. Sagar calls me on Facebook Messenger regularly to show me what's going on in Ganeshpuri. I really appreciate the connection with the village when I'm away. Now that I'm here, I enjoy saying hello to Sagar whenever I'm down at the temple. His English is limited, as are our conversations.

This woman follows me around at the temple, chattering away in Mahrati. I don't understand her, bur one of the temple priests told me last night that she is very happy with me.

Madu found me on my first day. He insisted on bringing me to his home for some tea and to meet his family.

Moti met me at the airport and needed a selfie for proof I had arrived safely. 🤣

Gajanan was the tuktuk driver that drove me home from my sacred ceremonies on my first day. He was excited to tell me that he drove Gurudevi and Swami Satrupananda around the last time they were here. He showed me the selfie he took with them as proof.

During the break between sacred ceremonies Thursday afternoon.

Mahashivratri selfies

This is my friend Vijaya. She has a shop called Devi Ma. She sells murtis (sacred statues), jewelry, saris and more. In this picture, I'm sitting in a chair and Vijaya is standing next to me. Then we are the same height! 🤣

Day 4

Coffee at a shop near the temple after morning Abishek and Arti on day 5

Hanging at Devi Ma with Vijaya's granddaughter and a couple of local girls.

Tuesday we went to Vajeshwari, a nearby village, to visit their Devi (Godess) temple. We were there for the noon Arti (candle flame ceremony). After the ceremony, this woman came up to me and pinched my cheeks as she exclaimed, "You are so cute!" over and over again.

This family was waiting for a selfie when the first woman and I finished up.

I've developed a nice routine of a morning coffee after Abishek and Arti. This is day 7

Familiar face

This couple pulled their motorcycle over to get a selfie with me as I was walking up Temple Rd returning to Yogini's.

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Chelsea Rajni King
Chelsea Rajni King
Feb 23, 2023

You are the star of Ganeshpuri. They’re all attracted to your light!

Feb 26, 2023
Replying to

I feel like a star! I'm just reflecting their light. 🙏💖🙏


Feb 23, 2023

How fun! How could it be day 7 already?

Feb 26, 2023
Replying to

That was actually day 8! Today is day 10. Hard to believe... Time flies!

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