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  • Writer's pictureKushala

Mumbai Mahalakshmi temple

The second stop in my whirlwind Mumbai tour was the Mahalakshmi temple. Before we even got inside, I got to feed some cows. Cows are revered in India.

These two cows are tied to the fence at the entrance to the temple alleyway. The woman sitting beside them sells plates with five balls of cow food of some sort. They ate it right out of my hand. Then the vendor brought out a water bottle with holes poked in the lid so I could wash my hands. She sprayed the water on my hands over a bucket. It was effective!

There was quite a bit of commerce along the alley leading to the Lakshmi temple as well. I picked up a darshan basket at the stall where I left my shoes. And I did some shopping there after the visit.

Pictures aren't allowed inside the temples, hence the pictures outside. The shakti here was strong. Of course, that was the case in every temple I visited. So many people dedicating their time to worshipping the Gods and Goddesses of each temple has a powerful and palpable effect. I feel like I've been layering the blessings in since I arrived in India. The results of all that layering will be blossoming forth in the future. I feel very lucky and very grateful!

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Mar 07, 2023

Good karma, Kushala! You deserve the blessings!

Mar 07, 2023
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Thanks Krishna! 🙏💖🙏


Mar 07, 2023

Looks fascinating. Will you be there for Holi ?

Mar 07, 2023
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Sadly, no. Holi happened today, March 7th, which is the day I'm traveling home.

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