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  • Writer's pictureKushala

Varanasi new digs at Narayan's guesthouse

This morning, Narayan and one of the fellows from his brother's guesthouse rolled my suitcases through the alleys to the next ghat over. I'm settled into Narayan's guesthouse now, Palace on Ganga View.

The room is bigger, and offers me a place to work on my computer other than the bed.

The bathroom is not quite as regal, but it's got everything I need.

I've also got a balcony overlooking the Ganges. Quite an upgrade! The bars are there to keep the wild monkeys out. So far, I've only seen a few wild monkeys, and I haven’t had any run-ins with them. The AC works and my room has two fans!

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2 comentarios

03 mar 2023

In the pics, it looks like the ceiling is decorated.

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04 mar 2023
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It is!

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