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  • Writer's pictureKushala

Pictures from Ganeshpuri 1

This is Moti. He helped with my arrangements in Ganeshpuri and met me at the airport. This is right after I came out.

The roosters here like to hang out on the electric wires. They cock a doodle do the sun up from above.

This is Kajaanan. He drove me back to my guest house in his tuk tuk. He also drove Gurudevi around the last time she was here. He was excited to show me his picture with her and Swami Satrupananda.

This is Yogini, the owner of my guest house, giving me a warm and traditional Indian welcome.

This is Madu, his wife, and middle daughter. Madu found me on the street and recognized me. He insisted on bringing me to his home to meet his family and have a cup of chai.

This is the Nityananda. The village of Ganeshpuri grew around him. He is my Guru's Guru's Guru.

This is my friend, Sagar. He and his family have a stand across from the temple. They make beautiful and elaborate flower garlands every day for people to buy and offer to Nityananda's statue in the temple. They also sell other items to offer him, like coconuts, candy, kumkum, and cotton wicks for ghee.

Coconut water is refreshing and delicious!

Today is Mahashivratri, which is a big holiday. I'm taking lots of pictures in between the festivities for posting tomorrow. Shubh (happy) Mahashivratri!

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Ali Stretmater
Ali Stretmater
Feb 18, 2023

I’m loving it 🥰 You’re radiating joy and peace

Feb 19, 2023
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Thanks Ali - I'm loving it, too! 🙏💖🙏


Feb 18, 2023

You are glowing!

Feb 18, 2023
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It's hard not to. This is a joyful, holy place!


Feb 18, 2023

So fun to have my breakfast with Kushala and see all these familiar faces. 🙏🏼😀Thank for sharing them. I too greeted the roosters on the wires and saluted them for their smarts in avoiding predators!

Feb 18, 2023
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Thanks Shuchi! There's more where that came from. 🙏💖🙏


Anna Ranish
Anna Ranish
Feb 18, 2023

wow, Kushala, you are surrounded by many caring friends. No wonder you are glowing!

Feb 18, 2023
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There is so much love here, Anna. It's everywhere. 🥰

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