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  • Writer's pictureKushala

Pilgrimage to Downingtown: Swami Sunday

This is for Alan Harmon, who requested this post, with much love and gratitude for his patience!

Join me on my journey to Swami Sunday. I drive to Downingtown and back most Sundays. That's where Svaroopa Vidya Ashram is located.

I depart between around 7:30am. Note: all my pictures were taken safely, either pulled along the side of the road, at a red light, or at a stop sign.

This is my favorite farm on Rt. 1, just as you get into Magnolia.

This marsh on the right as you pass the Magnolia exit is breathtaking. Some mornings, the fog covers the marsh like a thick white blanket.

While the drive could be mostly highway, I opt for back roads whenever possible. I take this exit right before Dover Air Force Base, and cruise up Rt. 9.

There are long stretches of farmland along Rt. 9, and two little towns - Little Creek and Leipsic.

The bridge over the Leipsic River marks the end of town. It's a beautiful sight anytime, but especially in the morning.

I get on Rt. 1 in Smyrna and my next stretch of back road goodness starts on Rt. 7 up by the Christiana Mall. The best stretch starts on Rt. 52, through Greenville and Centerville.

On my way through the rolling hills of Northern Delaware, I pass Winterthur. Formerly a DuPont estate, Winterthur is a beautiful museum and gardens.

There's a striking cemetery across the street. Granted, it's not the best view, but it's what I could get from where I had stopped. Lol!

Rt. 52 is part of a scenic byway. There are lots of bikers and joggers along the road, and a nice wide shoulder to accommodate them.

This is my favorite part of the drive. I'm in Pennsylvania now, and I travel from one end of Wawaset Rd to the other. There are so many twists and turns along the way, it's hard to believe it's the same road throughout. Join me as we travel part of Wawaset Rd...

The next stretch of Wawaset Rd is through a couple of horse farms

I turn off right before the end of Wawaset Rd, at this pond.

The Ashram is only 10 minutes away now! Welcome to Lokananda, which means your bliss place. Lokananda is the name of the retreat center where the public programs are held, and the building that houses Downingtown Yoga and Meditation Center.

The planter boxes were new when I shot this video. There wasn't much wind that day. Sometimes those wind chimes really go!

Inside, there's a shop to the left, as well as places for shoes and coats.

And a lounge to the right. The wall is decorated with the Gurus of our lineage. My Guru, Swami Nirmalananda (we call her Gurudevi); Her Guru, Swami Muktananda; and His Guru, Bhagawan Nityananda.

Usually the first place I'm visiting after a two hour drive is the bathrooms. They are off the tea room, where there's plenty of options for warm beverages.

Someone brings a treat each week for social time after the program. I was the treat bringer this week. I made Molasses Crinkle cookies. They are a favorite!

Now I'm ready to go set up my seat.

You can join me at Swami Sunday any Sunday. If you're nearby, you can come in person. If you're not nearby, you can join online. Get a taste of Gurudevi's discourses with a satsang gem. This is one of my favorites!

You can also listen to Gurudevi's discourses as podcasts on the Ashram's podcast channel. There are years of teachings available for free.

If all I'm doing is stopping for lunch on the way home, I'm usually home between 3-4pm. It's a wonderfull and Gracefull day!

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2 commentaires

Anna Ranish
Anna Ranish
02 juil. 2023

Wow, what a great overview! It's like I traveled home from the beach, our favorite Cape Henlopen park! I need to learn from you how to take back roads, I don't particularly enjoy over an hour drive on Rt 1

02 juil. 2023
En réponse à

I'm happy to share the route! I don't count the section of Rt. 1 before Dover Air Force Base when I say I'm only on it for 20 minutes. It's when it's 75 farther up that I'm only on the highway for 20 minutes. Smyrna to Rt. 7. 👍🙏😊

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