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  • Writer's pictureKushala

Thoughts from the plane

I'm feeling very lucky... I'm the only person in my center row of three seats. I've got no one in front of me, and no one behind me. I've got space to spread out and get comfortable. There are a lot of available seats on this flight. Yet another reason Tuesdays are good days to fly. The first reason is that the tickets are cheaper on a Tuesday.

I forgot how noisy planes were. How am I supposed to do ujjayi pranayama if I can't hear the sound of my breath?!

Fortunately, my earbuds have an active noise cancellation feature. With them in, I can hear my breath loud and clear. Now, all I have to do is keep it going for the next seven hours!

There's something really magical about flying above the clouds, especially at sunrise.

Update: I didn't keep my ujjayi going for all seven hours, but I got a solid four hours in. It was a real bonus that I could stretch out across all three seats. Now I'm at the Munich airport waiting for my flight to Mumbai, and I feel refreshed like a had a full night's sleep. Ujjayi pranayama is magic! The tasty German coffee helps, too.

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Anna Ranish
Anna Ranish
Feb 17, 2023

4 hours of Ujjayi, wow!

Feb 17, 2023
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There's a limited number of options for activities on a plane. Ujjayi is a very appealing one!


Chelsea Rajni King
Chelsea Rajni King
Feb 15, 2023

Grace is carrying you all the way! What did you do with all the cookies you had to take out of your suitcase?

Feb 17, 2023
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I had to throw them in the trash. 🤦‍♀️ And the beautiful yellow tins that were holding them. What I appreciate is the joy I experienced baking them and planning the gift giving. That's enough!


Feb 15, 2023

I am glad you had room to stretch out. Empty seats are unusual nowadays.

Feb 17, 2023
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I was very fortunate. I almost had the same situation on the 2nd flight, but then someone sat on the other aisle. We still had an empty seat between us.

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