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  • Writer's pictureKushala


Updated: Jun 21, 2023

I finished my 30 hour journey on Tuesday night. My brother dropped me off at my home at 8pm. I had a great night's sleep in my own bed, and had a long, luxurious shower in the morning. I happily made my coffee, just the way I like it. I got my bags unpacked within a day of being home, but my experiences... well, that's another story.

I am challenged again to stay in the moment. It's quite easy to indulge the homesickness I feel for Ganeshpuri, and reminisce about the wonderful journey I had there. There's a line there between escaping the present moment and unpacking my experiences. I'm exploring that line, and I hope you'll join me! We've had our travels outside, now it's time for travels inside. I'll continue to post here, about the inside journey. There will be some overlap with the daily dose of yoga, which is the daily email I write for Rehoboth Beach Yoga Center. We'll see how things continue to evolve.

I find it significant that my tapas is to stay present. Isn't that the ultimate goal? That's where all the teachings point us, to the present moment. It's only in the present moment that your mind becomes still. I have spent a lot of my life not in the present moment. Whether living in the past, or fantasizing about the future, I was anywhere but Here. Here is uncomfortable. Here, I'm wondering what's next. I spent so much time preparing for India, and being in India, I didn't give any thought to after India. And aside from being clear that I want to go back, I'm feeling a little adrift. But that's OK, because my anchor point is inside and always accessible. I just need more practice accessing it all the time.

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3 commentaires

13 mars 2023
  1. Welcome home!

  2. You wrote, "I didn't give any thought to after India." So, I guess you were living in the present moment. Congratulations!

  3. Cool coffee mug!



10 mars 2023

Welcome to Here Now ❤️

10 mars 2023
En réponse à

Thanks! It's good to be Here. 🙏💖🙏

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