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  • Writer's pictureKushala

Varanasi Morning Ganga Arti

I hopped on the back of Narayan's scooter in the dark of the pre-dawn to ride over to Assi ghat for Morning Ganga Arti. There was a group of girls chanting the prayers.

Their chants rang through the air as the Brahmin priests took their places in front of the river and blew their conchs.

That began their morning Arti. Some of the onlookers stepped forward to help light the wicks. So many flames! đŸ˜đŸ”„đŸ™

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2 commentaires

03 mars 2023

Fascinating! The videos make it come alive. Question: is this done every morning & how many people were in attendance?

04 mars 2023
En réponse à

Yes, it is done every morning. There were about 200 people there the morning I attended. It's mentioned on Trip Advisor as one of the must do things in Varanasi.

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